
التقاعد في المغرب: ما هي مزاياه؟

For me, the golden age is a time of carefree living and escapism. Living a peaceful retirement in Morocco has always been my dream. But even before retirement, I had opted for this country, which offers undeniable advantages for retirees.    

After years of hard work, you want to move to Morocco for your retirement. The Kingdom is at the crossroads of continents, with a mild climate and a delightful living environment. World Moroccans need only declare their definitive return to Morocco to the Moroccan consular services, and renew their national identity card once they've settled in to include their new address.   

If you are a retired Moroccan living abroad before moving to Morocco, you must notify all your basic and supplementary pension funds of your new address and any change of bank account details, if you wish to receive your pension in a Moroccan bank account. You can transfer your pension into non-convertible dirhams to benefit from a tax reduction. If you do not wish to make this transfer, you will benefit from a tax allowance. 

Benefits for former Moroccans living abroad, now retired and returning to Morocco, are governed by bilateral social security agreements between Morocco and the host countries. As a result, your definitive return to Morocco should not be an obstacle to benefiting from your social security rights. To benefit from these rights, you should contact the National Social Security Fund ("CNSS"), which acts as an intermediary with pension structures in other countries. To apply for social security benefits, you need to : 

Provide proof of civil status (birth certificate, spouse's birth certificate, marriage certificate, family record book, life certificate, etc.);

  • Draw up your career record;
  • Transmit your file from the CNSS using a form specific to each country;
  • Periodically provide proof of existence to maintain payment of acquired benefits.  

Advantageous and accessible formulas are available from your bank for gradually building up retirement savings. A retirement savings product allows you to gradually build up a main or supplementary pension, while benefiting from tax advantages. Thanks to free and regular payments, you can act at any time and modify the amount and frequency. You can even make exceptional payments or extend your retirement age. What's more, your savings are always available. On simple request, you can obtain an advance or redeem part of your savings. Thanks to your retirement savings contract, you can benefit from several investment options for your savings and expect a return tailored to your savings profile. In the event of death, the increased capital is paid out to the designated beneficiaries or rightful claimants. In the event of absolute and permanent disability, the accumulated savings are paid out to the policyholder. 

للمزيد من النصائح

الاستثمار في العقارات: نشأت في الخارج وأريد الاستثمار في العقارات في المغرب
الاستثمار في العقارات في المغرب
الاستثمار في العقارات: نشأت في الخارج وأريد الاستثمار في العقارات في المغرب

على الرغم من أنني نشأت في الخارج، فإن لدي ارتباط خاص بالمغرب. لقد عززت رحلاتي المنتظمة إلى المملكة والزيارات العائلية في كل مناسبة روابطي مع بلدي الأم. اليوم أريد شراء عقار للحصول على أرض في بلدي.

اقرأ المزيد
الهجرة: أنوي الاستقرار في المغرب
العودة إلى المغرب
الهجرة: أنوي الاستقرار في المغرب

أخطط للاستقرار في المغرب. لقد درست الخيارات المختلفة وأرى فرصًا مرادفة للتجديد المهني في بيئة معيشية ممتعة. بهذا المعنى ، لا بد لي من إعداد هذا النهج بشكل جيد. فيما يلي الخطوات الأساسية ...

اقرأ المزيد

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